The Scholum is a multi-tiered syllabus and leveled ranking system in which a standardized framework of material, testing, and advancement is provided to help develop students through their progression of the combat arts. Students begin at the Novicius level. After their first test and authorization as fighters they are inducted into the melee units of Ponte Alto and Stierbach and the Grand Army of the Potomac and advance to the Legionnaire level of training. After students have completed the coursework at the Legionnaire level to the satisfaction of the Scholum trainers, they are tested and if successful advance to the Centurion level of training and are inducted into the Command Staff of the melee units of Ponte Alto and Stierbach as Buddy or Triad Commanders. After students have completed the coursework at the Centurion level to the satisfaction of the Scholum trainers, they are tested and may advance to the Principes level of training and are advanced in the Command Staff to the Triad or Lance Commander level. After students have completed the coursework at the Principes level and passing the examination, students are invited to join the Training staff of the Scholum as Lanista and may choose to seek command positions in the Grand Army of the Potomac.
The Novicius level of training is the introduction to the basic form and technique of fighting from which all later skills, methods, and maneuvers are derived (the basic "what-to-do" of fighting). It is meant both to construct appropriate technique from the ground-up as well as to assist those who have been fighting in deconstructing their skills so that they might better understand what they are doing and perhaps learn more effective mechanics toward their art.
Scholum training is based on an integrated framework of fighting in which movement, rotation, weapon strikes, and blocks evolve from a common base and are all inter-related in a holistic system that builds on itself and both facilities training (as one technique evolves naturally from the prior technique) and optimizes fighting (as the integrated holistic approach allows a nearly infinite number of positional, movement, offensive, and defensive options to flow into and out of each and every technique performed).
At their most basic conceptual level, the Noviciate level fighting techniques can be viewed as Seven Deadly Virtues (Stance, Turns, Steps, Rotation, Lock, Extension, and Wrist) which evolve from each other and integrate with each other into the actual offensive and defensive maneuvers. They are Deadly Virtues, both because when applied correctly, they will result in the death of your opponents (thus, their deadly virtue), but also because when applied inappropriately and sinfully, they will most likely result in your own death. The table below outlines the benefits of their virtuous applications, and the impact of their sinful application.
The Seven Deadly Virtues of the Noviciate-Level Fighting Techniques
Virutous Stance |
Enables steps; promotes ball-of-foot turns, hip rotation, balance and lock |
Sinful Stance |
Minimizes hip rotation; disables shoulder lock; causes imbalance and heel-turns |
Virtuous Turns |
Transfers momentum of body; changes angle of offense/defense; maintains balance; enables weight shift; brings the shoulder/sword into striking position |
Sinful Turns |
Stresses knees; leaning forward; weight-shifted onto heels; off-balance on heels/wrong leg |
Virtuous Steps |
Maintain balance; maintain stance; maintain angle of defense; causes hip rotation, angle-change; crosses dead-zone into the inner-baseline or maintains range across the outer-baseline |
Sinful Steps |
Disturbs balance; disrupts stance, misaligns angle of defense; fails to rotate hips; fails to change angle; moves into dead-zone |
Virtuous Rotation |
Explosively tranfers momentum of body along horizontal axis; maintains angle of defense; brings shoulder/sword into striking position |
Sinful Rotation |
Weakly transfers momentum along the horizontal axis; counter-balances the shield; turns the head; leans forward |
Virtuous Lock |
Transfers momentum of body through the shoulder; locked at elbow/trices for zero-stem/rotation block; locked at armpit for short-stem/flat-block; corner-block; locked at the deltoid for long-stem/offside/buckler |
Sinful Lock |
Weakly transfers momentum of body through the shoulder; elbow is out, shoulders are dropped or hunched, arms are pushed or chopping forward; arms are slicing downwards or outwards |
Virtuous Extension |
Follows a Virtuous Turn and/or a Virtous Rotation to ensure transfer of momentum of body into shot; no exertion of biceps or triceps, guides sword to target, flat across angle of shield (cup of soup), follows-through across helm of opponent, unlocked elbows, arms rotate with extension for angle-change deep-wraparound |
Sinful Extension |
Lacks a Virtuous Rotation or Virtuous Turn so weakly transfer momentum of body; uses biceps and/or triceps to arm the shot; chops at an angle (spills the soup); aims at center of shield; stops at beginning of helm (lacks follow-through); fails to rotate arm for angle-change deep wraparound |
Virtuous Wrist |
Rapid half-rotation wrist for thumb-turn wraparound; rapid wrist-shift for flat-snap; flowing full-rotation writst for Moulinet; lacks exertion by biceps or triceps |
Sinful Wrist |
Wrist is overextended forwards or backwards; insufficient rotation or shifting of wrist; lacks a Virtous Turn and/or Virtious Rotation so weakly transfers momentum of body |
The Seven Deadly Virtues form the foundation from which proper fighting technique can flow from the Twelve Choices in which fighters must choose what they are doing amongst the Three Ranges (Inner-Baseline, Dead-Zone, Outer Baseline) along the linear axis facing their opponent, amongst the Three Zones along the longitudinal axis facing their opponent (Onside, Offside, Angle-Change/Wrap), amongst the Three Angles (Jam, Zero-Pressure, Fade/Follow) along the diagonal axis facing their opponent, and amongst the Three Actions (Offense, Defense, Maneuver) that they can take in regards to dealing with their opponent).
Properly applying the Seven Deadly Virtues through a selection of the Twelve Choices (Three Ranges, Three Zones, Three Angles, Three Actions) will allow Noviciates to effectively learn a set of Twenty Basic Techniques -- Ten Basic Onside Techniques (including variations of Range, Zone, Angle, and Action) and Ten Basic Offside Techniques (including variations of Range, Zone, Angle, and Action). Noviciates will thus become completely familiar with the "What to do" of proper technique and the "How to do it" as described below:

The integrated evolutionary framework of techniques taught at the Novicius (101) level of Scholum training in which the seven deadly virtuous techniques builds directly and flows naturally from that taught previously lead to a set of offenses, defenses, and maneuvers which are similarly integrated with each other and build from one another creates a natural flow of evolutionary development and progression for which Novitiates will be held responsible in their testing, and is provided below:

The first twelve classes of the Novicius level of training (Scholum 101) are taught in a four-part framework. New Material (101N) is regularly introduced in a set schedule and an integrated framework to develop the basic skillset necessary for the Noviciates to know a comprehensive basic set of fighting skills. Already-covered material is Refreshed (101R) in two parts -- first, appropriate material is Refreshed as a group, covering the material together (101R-Group) and then individuals are paired-off into their Buddy teams to Refresh material covered in one-on-one drills (101R-Buddies). Finally, once a sufficient amount of material has been covered to develop a base of technique and understanding, school instructors will begin to work one-on-one with Noviciates in Tutoring/Coaching sessions (101T) to ensure the Refresh and New Material are being properly applied and that Noviciates are developing technique muscle memory sufficient both for their own goals as well as for the goals of the Scholum. Tutoring/Coaching during the 101T sessions will focus on the syllabus material (refresh of the material already taught and the new material covered at each class). Students will be asked to focus on the material covered.
Sundays Practice Schedule (101R-G/B, 101N, 101T)
1:00 (show-up) to 2:00pm Setup, Armor-up, and Discussion
Do service by helping setup, to ask questions of senior fighters and the training staff, and to prepare for class. It is *not* the time to seek individual training.
2:00pm to 2:20pm Novicius 101R (Group) – Material Refresh
Open Formation group review
2:20pm to 2:40pm Novicius 101R (Buddies) – Material Refresh
Buddy Drills and one-on-one practice between paired-off trainees
2:45pm to 3:15pm Novicius 101N (Group) – New Material
The new material of the class will be introduced and practiced. This will include melee drills, as appropriate and might extend into the Tutoring session as a result.
3:25pm to 4:15pm Novicius 101T (Tutoring) – Material Coaching
School instructors will work one-on-one with trainees to ensure the refresh and new material are being properly applied and that trainees are developing technique muscle memory sufficient for their goals. Tutoring/Coaching will focus on the syllabus material (refresh of the material already taught and the new material covered at each class). Students will be asked to focus on the material covered.
Thursdays Practice Schedule (101R-G/B, 101T)
6:00pm to 7:00pm Setup, Armor-up, and Discussion
This is the opportunity to do service by helping setup, to ask questions of senior fighters and the training staff, and to prepare for class. It is *not* the time to seek individual training.
7:00pm to 7:20pm Novicius 101R (Group) – Material Refresh
Open Formation group review
7:20pm to 7:40pm Novicius 101R (Buddies) – Material Refresh
Buddy Drills and one-on-one practice between paired-off trainees
7:45pm to 8:15pm Novicius 101T (Tutoring) – Material Coaching
School instructors will work one-on-one with trainees to ensure the refresh and new material are being properly applied and that trainees are developing technique muscle memory sufficient for their goals. Tutoring/Coaching will focus on the syllabus material (refresh of the material already taught and the new material covered at each class). Students will be asked to focus on the material covered.
8:15pm to 9:00pm Those who have armor should make sure they get some fighting done. Those who don’t should analyze the fighting and discuss what they see.
The Armour Committee of the Barony of Ponte Alto will actively assist Noviciates in determining their armour needs and developing an active plan for acquiring in a timely, affordable, and amenable manner, sufficient weapons and armor to get Noviciates active on the field. Contact Aethilgar at practice or by email.
Once Noviciates have sufficently progressed in their training, they will be encouraged to participate in the local Ponte Alto/Stierbach Mini-Tourney of Honorable Elevation as a first attempt to fight in a controlled list environment (first Mini-Tourney to take place 4/15 at the Stierbach Tuesday night practice in Manassas).
After the first twelve classes, the Noviciate level material will have been fully introduced and the class will split into three sections. We will continue to have a Noviciate 101 level section for those new students who continue to arrive and need introduction to the basic material. We will have a Noviciate 102 section for those Noviciates who need to continue their refresh and development of the techniques introduced at the 101 section. We will also have a Noviciate 103 Advance Practicum for those students ready to apply the material introduced in the 101 section in armor.
Though we are on a path of eternal progress in a martial art, every path has milestones and goals. Thus, Noviciates are expected to be working towards a set of stated goals that will demonstrate a thorough understanding of and a sufficient ability with the basic techniques of fighting to pass an examination given by the teachers of the Scholum so that they may move on to the Legionnaire level (201) of Scholum classes, and to be working towards fighter authorizations. Current Noviciates should be focused on attempting to pass the Scholum Noviciate examination beginning Sunday, 5/18/08 so that they may attempt to authorize at the Sapphire Joust tournament on 5/24/08 as an early goal, and by Storvik Novice tournament on 7/12/08 as a later goal so that all Noviciates can be inducted into the Baronial Unit and the Grand Army of the Potomac/Northern Army (of Darkness) by the deadline for the Pennsic War.
The basic goals for the Novicius-level 101 class, which trainees will be expected to learn and which will form the basis of the examination to enable movement to the Legionnaire (201) class include:
- Be able to rapidly prepare, focus, and concentrate into fighting calm (breathing appropriately), and form into melee ranks when called.
- Basic movement skills (Stance, Advance (Pass)/Retreat, Compass-Step, Traverse, Cross, Gather)
- Be able to throw and recover from standard long, short, zero stem, thrust, wrap-around and moulinet blows (onside/offside, head/leg)
- Be able to throw and recover from all blows consistently with appropriate technique, speed, and power
- Be able to fight at the outer baseline
- Be able to move to the inner baseline safely
- Be able to fight at the inner baseline
- Be able to move off line on the inner baseline
- Be able to move from the inner to the outer baseline
- Be able to defend with body movement (rotation block, evade, zero-pressure)
- Be able to attack with body movement (rotation shot, jam)
- Defend with their shield (onside/offside/thrust, head/leg/center-line)
- Defend with their sword (onside/offside, head/leg)
- MIT 101/201 and MOL 101/201 Classes
- Be able to analyze the fighting of others
- Know the rules of the list
- Have their own sword, shield, groin protection and access to loaner armor (individual work with trainees to be done by Armoring committee to determine needs/goals/means of accomplishment)
Novicius 101 Class One: Breathing, Stance, Movement
Novicius 101 Class Two: Zero Stem, Rotation Blocks
Novicius 101 Class Three: Short-Stem
Novicius 101 Class Four: Long-Stem
Novicius 101 Class Five: Striking Blows
Novicius 101 Class Six: Baselines, Evade, Legs
Novicius 101 Class Seven: Leg Combo, Inside Angle Change, Unit Maneuvers
Novicius 101 Class Eight: Onside Wraparound, Offside Jam, Uppercut Thrust
Novicius 101 Class Nine: Offside Jam, Zero-Stem Swordblock, Thumb-Turn Wraparound
Novicius 101 Class Ten: Melee Concepts, Melee Drills, and Unit Scenarios
Novicius 101 Class Eleven: Shield Blocks -- Flat Blocks and Corner Blocks
Novicius 101 Class Twelve: Hanging-Guard Drop-Shot, Hanging-Guard Moulinet
Novicius 101,102,103: Beginner Basics (101), Continuing Refresh (102), Advanced Practicum (103)
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