

Cunian's Personal Progress Page



I'm Cunian, showing up in Scandinavian cultures anytime between 500 and 1200AD, depending on my interest.  Currently, with fighting, I am going for a 12th century Byzantine-influenced Rus look.  My fighting goals are to become the little old lady of your nightmares and to beat up Duke Logan and be a knight and a few other things.




Novicius Concepts: The Seven Deadly Virtues, Integrated Fighting Framework

Personal notes about Novicius Concepts progress


Class One: Breathing, Stance, Movement

Personal notes about class one....


Class Two: Zero Stem, Rotation Blocks

Personal notes about class two....

Class Three: Short-Stem

Personal notes about class three...


Class Four: Long-Stem

Personal notes about class four...


Class Five: Striking Blows

Personal notes about class five...


Class Six: Baselines, Evade, Legs

Personal notes about class six...


Class Seven: Leg Combo, Inside Angle Change, Unit Maneuvers

Personal notes about class seven...


Class Eight: Onside Wraparound, Offside Jam, Uppercut Thrust

Personal notes about class eight...


Class Nine: Offside Jam, Zero-Stem Swordblock, Thumb-Turn Wraparound

Personal notes about class nine...


Class Ten: Melee Concepts, Melee Drills, and Unit Scenarios

Personal notes about class ten...


Class Eleven: Shield Blocks -- Flat Blocks and Corner Blocks

Personal notes about class eleven...


Class Twelve: Hanging-Guard Drop-Shot, Hanging-Guard Moulinet

Personal notes about class twelve...


Novicius 101,102,103: Beginner Basics (101), Continuing Refresh (102), Advanced Practicum (103)

Personal notes about continuing progress in class thirteen+...